28 December 2018 – Brighton

Report from Mark Swan

Pentyrch and drift

Brighton 28 December 18 

Pentyrch wreck, Torpedoed in 1918

Depth 19m, Time 40 mins, Water temp 10’C, Vis 1-2m

Steve, Milton and I had a trip out with Channel Diver from Brighton Marina. Weather hadn’t been bad the few days before and it was calm again on the day. Unfortunately the vis was pretty bad. Did see some squid darting around us on the wreck. 

Palace Pier Ledge drift

Depth 12m, Time 35 mins, Water temp 9’C, Vis 1-2m

Not a lot to report on this one! Still, was good to get out. At the end of the day we headed to Vobster, lured by news of fantastic vis and an easy kit rinse.

Posted in Dive Diary 2018, Dive Diary 2019
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