Blog Archives

09 November 2015 – Stoney Cove

Well although some of us have packed away our dive kit until the temperature rises again, a couple of hardy club members, Mark & Steve, decided Stoney Cove was worth a visit and obviously had a good time.  Mark’s report

Posted in Dive Diary 2015

09 October 2015 – Bottle Wreck (eventually)

This was an interesting day! Bryan Stone has written a detailed report as he didn’t think that “Cocked up slack, missed wreck, saw crabs and congers” gave a real feel for the day. Here is his full report : War Helmet-Northcoates-Gascony-Bottle

Posted in Dive Diary 2015

03 October 2015 – Kingmere Rocks

Report by Andrew Hubbard After a leisurely, late breakfast at the Boathouse cafe, and with only a half full boat, we set off in great comfort. Having successfully negotiated the shallow water of a low spring tide at the harbour

Posted in Dive Diary 2015

19 August 2015 – The Indiana (or thereabouts!)

Report by Andrew Hubbard After a positively sedate start at 10.30 preparing the boat and breakfast we set off in bright sunshine down the river and headed East to about a mile off Worthing pier.  The Waypoint on the satnav

Posted in Dive Diary 2015

15 August 2015 – Cairndhu

 Another full boat and a reasonable start time.  Breakfasted (some at Ma’s and some at the Boat House), boat ready, kit loaded and we were off down the river.  Got to the dive site and dropped shot.  Tim & Jules

Posted in Dive Diary 2015

08 August 2015 – Gascony & drift

Report by Jacqui Mudie On the RIB were Julian, Jenny, Tim, Simon, Jac, Dave, Roy and Stuart. We agreed to meet at 7.30am as slack was 10.10am so we needed ropes off at 8.30.The boat park opens at 8am so

Posted in Dive Diary 2015

30 July 2015 – Bottle Wreck

It was good after having been blown out so much recently to, at last, load the boat and set out to the Bottle Wreck. Having decided to dive on the afternoon slack, a leisurely late breakfast prior to leaving was

Posted in Dive Diary 2015

10 July 2015 – Gascony

Report by Bryan Stone Not sure if a Friday counts as mid-week diving, but with tides and weather improving as the week went on, definitely the best choice. Despite giving people at least a week’s notice, only myself, Jenny, Andrew

Posted in Dive Diary 2015

26 June 2015 – Ore Wreck

Report by Andrew Hubbard A leisurely 9am start loading the boat, breakfast at the Boathouse, neaps to die for and a hot sunny day promised a perfect diving day only slightly impaired by a stiff breeze and moderate sea.  Bryan

Posted in Dive Diary 2015

13 June 2015 – Julian’s Rocks & Shirala

Report by Julian Avis Just the four of us went out today, Dave, Roy, Olivia and I. Dave and I arrived first with the others just behind, got our kit ready and the boat, then down the slip and off

Posted in Dive Diary 2015
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