Blog Archives

19 December 2016 – Stoney Cove

[Show as slideshow] A quick dip before Christmas – and the celebrations have started!!  

Posted in Dive Diary 2016

27 August 2016 – War Helmet (?) & Waldrons

Weather forecast was a bit inaccurate!! Instead of nice calm seas and little wind it was very lumpy and rolling when we got out to the dive site.  Attempted to shot the wreck but first try was obviously not on

Posted in Dive Diary 2016

13 August 2016 – Shirala

Posted in Dive Diary 2016

31 July 2016 – Ramsgarth

Posted in Dive Diary 2016

30 July 2016 – Shirala

Report by Andrew Hubbard Plenty of drama to start the day as, after a leisurely breakfast at the Boathouse we got the boat ready and were just getting changed when a huge bang and cloud of dust came from the

Posted in Dive Diary 2016

23 July 2016 – Worthing Lumps

Weather looked good but the tides were not so a drift was arranged over the Worthing Lumps just to enable us to get back into the water.  The day started with breakfast in the Boat House and we then got the

Posted in Dive Diary 2016

15 May 2016 – Outer Mulberry

Posted in Dive Diary 2016

14 May 2016 – Outer Mulberry & Waldrons

First dive of the season out of Littlehampton.  Prepared the boat prior to breakfast at the Boat House as a cross country run was starting from the Marina at 9:00 and it was rather busy!! After our bacon baguettes we

Posted in Dive Diary 2016

02 April 2016 – Vobster

Viz in Littlehampton was not looking promising so Paul, Steve & George decided to go to Vobster for a dip. Some photos that George took: [Show as slideshow]

Posted in Dive Diary 2016
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