27 August 2016 – War Helmet (?) & Waldrons

Weather forecast was a bit inaccurate!! Instead of nice calm seas and little wind it was very lumpy and rolling when we got out to the dive site.  Attempted to shot the wreck but first try was obviously not on and second attempt also missed as found out by Tim & Alan who dropped down to a murky, dark seabed.  Julian & George were ready to go in when Alan & Tim surfaced so they asked to be dropped off past the wreck with the hope that they would drift over it. They also didn’t find it and as the sea state was not very pleasant Andrew & Jenny decided to forgo the dive and settled for a drift over the Waldrons in the hope that further in wasn’t so rough.

A pleasant wander over the rocks, tom pot blennys, cuckoo wrasse, velevet swimming crabs etc for an hour made up for the nausea on board. George & Julian also did a drift and saw plaice and a couple of rays.

Posted in Dive Diary 2016
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