Blog Archives

25 September 2011 – Mulberry Harbour

On the RIB were Julian, Tim, Paul, Simon, myself and Richard. This was to be Richards first dry suit dive so he buddied with Julian, Paul and Simon and Tim and I also were buddy pairs. We met in Ma’s

Posted in Dive Diary 2011

10 September 2011 – Frode & Worthing Wall

The Frode sank during the Second World War, the victim of a German mine which had been laid by a submarine. A Norwegian-flagged steamship on a voyage from Newhaven to the Mumbles, she was sunk in 1941. The wreck now

Posted in Dive Diary 2011

29 August 2011 – Ore Wreck

 Down shot to the sea bed!  Oh dear was this going to be another ‘missed the wreck’ dive.  However, took a bearing South and then bumped into the wreck – viz was not very good at only a couple of

Posted in Dive Diary 2011

21 August 2011 – Shirala & Scallop Beds

Were told that the Shirala now had a small shot on it so found this (certainly small!) and descended on  it. Found an old large shot at edge of wreck but dsmb wasn’t able to lift it – will have

Posted in Dive Diary 2011

31 July 2011 – Ramsgarth

 We met for the pre-dive briefing and breakfast in the Boathouse Café. Julian, Paul, Stuart, Steve and I discussed the dive and reviewed the information we had, downed the last sip of tea and coffee and headed for the RIB.             

Posted in Dive Diary 2011

24 July 2011 – Northcoates

Following a hearty breakfast at the posh cafe with Jules and Andrew,  Alan K and Alex K were nominated by our esteemed Boat Handling instructors to ready the boat. Having checked the boat, everything seemed ship shape……except our eagle eyed

Posted in Dive Diary 2011

23 July 2011 – Northcoates

The first dive was a second visit to the Northcoates wreck (we had dived this wreck earlier in the season). We arrived at the wreck at  low slack after a very smooth sea had allowed us a trouble free and  very

Posted in Dive Diary 2011

16 July 2011 – Boat Handling practical

  Boat Handling course, so no diving,(not even for man overboard practice)!   As you can see it was a little bit rough!!  But they still kept smiling most of the time.

Posted in Dive Diary 2011

10 July 2011 – War Helmet

8184-ton mass-produced British standard steamer, built 1917. 445ft x 58ft. Armed.  Cargo: In ballast, London for Barry.  Sunk: 19 April, 1918, by torpedo from UC-75. All saved. Diving: Lies upright with bow to north-west. Flattened midships. Three boilers clear. Engine

Posted in Dive Diary 2011

2 July 2011 – Worthing Wall/Lumps & Kingmere Rocks

Supermarket for shellfish!!  Crabs and lobsters were there in abundance and 3 of the 7 divers decided to get their dinner whilst on the dive!! Although the vis could have been  better (only about 2 ms) it was sufficient to

Posted in Dive Diary 2011
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