14 May 2016 – Outer Mulberry & Waldrons

First dive of the season out of Littlehampton.  Prepared the boat prior to breakfast at the Boat House as a cross country run was starting from the Marina at 9:00 and it was rather busy!! After our bacon baguettes we got changed and were going down river by 9:30 looking forward to at last getting into the sea.  A small hard boat was tied up to the Mulberry buoy but we tied up to them with another rib so no problem with drifting about.  Alan, Alex & George went in first and once they were back on board, Andrew & Jenny dropped in. Water was warmer than expected – 13-14 degrees – and viz was around 3m so not brilliant but good enough.  Although not as much marine life as we see later in the season there were a couple of large cuttle fish (almost impossible to see), some big wrasse and a long sea hare as well as lots of common star fish.  We then dropped onto the Waldrons for a quick drift dive.  Viz was not so good here, less than 2m and a good covering of silt on everything. However, a few dogfish, fan worms and small fish kept us occupied.  Back to the Marina where we left the boat on the pontoon for the group going out tomorrow.  

Posted in Dive Diary 2016
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