18 June 2018 – Fortuna

“Andrew ‘Foggy’ Bradford’s Brighton report”

Fortuna – 18th June with Channel Diver

Diving: Mark Swan, Steve Burgess, Milton Molina, Andrew Bradford

Weather: heavy cloud early on, clearing to sunshine by noon. Wind – westerly 3’s&4’s. Sea heavy worsening by lunchtime.

Sea temp: 13degrees

Dive 1 – Fortuna

Ropes off at 08.30 from Brighton Marina. Choppy journey out, much leaning over the side. Good visibility (circa 3-4m) on the wreck. Lots of fish & Crab present, particularly wrass. Very shy Conga found, difficult to ascertain size. Lobster spotted but showed a clean pair of heels.  Bottom registered at 27.2m. Dive time for both buddy pairs circa 40mins. Most of the stern covered. Shot dropped on the middle section. Ascent via the shot line. Lots of jelly fish at 6m stops with some minor stings. Buddies were paired according to gas mix: Steve & Andrew (26%), Mark & Milton (32%).

Surface time: 1:40

Dive 2 – Ledges (Drift)

Visibility was poor from the off. Both pairs lost the reef and the current was strong enough to prevent getting back to it. Large numbers of Plaice, most of which managed to avoid being stabbed by Steve. Both pairs terminated the dives early due to boredom – both pairs Dive Times circa 30mins.

FortunaReturn of Last of The Summer Wine? Compo & Clegg consider ditching the car and walking home.

Overall a good experience with Channel Diver. Well appointed deck, hot & cold beverages available, accurate shot, handy recovery via the lift…back in time for lunch.


Posted in Dive Diary 2018
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