27 July 2018 – Swanage

Report by Mark Swan

Plan had been to train at Vobster with Carolina, but as she was feeling unwell and couldn’t make it, Milton and I went to Swanage (Diversdown) and had two wreck dives that we hadn’t done before.

Dive 1 – Borgny 35m

Norweigian cargo ship that sank  in 1918.  Hit a mine or was torpedoed. Upturned hull at stern that you can easily swim through. Large prop and plenty of life, especially congers. Bow end more broken up.

Vis  7-8m, Sea temp 19’C, Gas 32%, Max depth 32m, Time 43 mins

Dive 2 – SS Castlereagh (previously named Firth Fisher) 35m

440 ton Steam coaster that sank in heavy seas in 1925. Only about 500m away from Kyarra.  Upright wreck but is often fished so watched out for line. This dive was a lot darker than our first.  Bit of current running but not uncomfortable. Would be good to do this one again in better vis!

Vis 4m but dark, Sea temp 20’C, Gas 30%, Max depth 34m, Time 40mins

Good day out with fish and chips on the sea front to round the day off. 

Posted in Dive Diary 2018
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