September 2014 – Farne Islands

See more photos & slideshow here.

On Friday 19th September 21 of us (18 divers and 3 non-diving partners) made our way to Seahouses on the North East Coast for 3 days of diving – hopefully with the seals.  Having had so many dates blown out in Littlehampton we really hoped to get in 6 decent dives.  We were not disappointed.

On the boat for 8.30 (well ended up being nearer 9.30) we all set our kit up on Glad Tidings VII, the boat used for all the dives.  It was good that we were all able to be together on one boat and although basic it served the purpose.  It was also good to be able to leave kit in the hold overnight.  Our dive sites were: Saturday – Bluecaps and Big Harcar; Sunday – Longstone End and Little Harcar; Monday – Somali and Little Harcar. 

As usual, the social aspect – meals together sharing our tales of seal encounters with those who didn’t dive – was an integral part of the trip.  

Comments re the trip:

  • Thank you for the best diving this year. I thoroughly enjoyed the diving and company.
  • Glad to have acted as seal entertainment. So much fun. Pop goes the DSMB.
  • Our club trip to the Farne Islands was just fantastic. Having realised a life time ambition to dive with seals, it was everything I had hoped for with so many of them wanting to play. Highly recommended.
  • Beautiful carpets of white and orange dead men’s fingers, sea urchins everywhere, playful seals  – oh and also some lumps of metal! 
  • A lovely weekend, good company, good food, good accommodation. A lovely way for me to restart my diving after 14 months dry! The seals were playful, the water was warm and the weather was kind. I look forward to returning. 


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