July 2022 – Isle of Man

The long awaited trip to the Isle of Man finally became a reality.  Originally booked for July 2020, then postponed to July 2021, and then again postponed to July 2022.  But we eventually made it!!!

Thanks Alan for all the hard work you put into arranging this.  Not an easy job with all the changes.

Most of us travelled by Easyjet from Gatwick with hand luggage and George drove a van containing all our dive kit and most of our clothes.  Thanks George!

Unfortunately the weather, beautiful in most of the UK, prevented us diving on the Sunday, but we were able to dive for the rest of the week.

Dive sites:

  • Monday – Garden Rock, Burroo
  • Tuesday – Sugar loaf cave, Dreswick Point
  • Wednesday – Afton, Port St Mary’s Ledges
  • Thursday – Thracian, Amulty
  • Friday – Bay Fine, Citrine

Finding somewhere to eat proved a challenge on some days but the local co-op was well patronised.  Fish & chips, pizza, chinese take aways and a nice Italian meal on Thursday which everyone was able to enjoy.

Thanks to Steve, Michelle and Catherine who loooked after us, and particular thanks for the post dive cakes!!


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