June 2012 – Red Sea

Another trip to the Red Sea – always a popular destination.

This trip had 5 RSVs (Red Sea Virgins) all enjoying their first live-aboard and increasing the number of dives considerably.group-photo-by-cyclone


  • Andrew ‘Rommel’ Hubbard
  • Jenny ‘What Camera?’ Hubbard
  • Steve ‘O’ Mudie (RSV)
  • Jacqui ‘O’ Mudie (RSV)
  • Malcolm ‘Jim’ Kirk (RSV)
  • Paul ‘FJ’ Clunas  
  • Stuart ‘Little’ McKendrick
  • Alan ‘MOD Father’ Kennedy (RSV)
  • Alex ‘Ritchie Rich’ Kennedy (RSV)
  • Sue ‘Chardonnay’ Royse  

Crew of Cyclone:

Captain Mahmood, and Dive Guides Sarah and Yasser 

Full report & photos above water & underwater 

Posted in Reports
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