12 July 2014 – Vobster Quay

Report by Jordan on her trip to Vobster Quay.

Dad, Paul and I met at 6.30am and headed off to Vobster Quay, we got there just in time for opening time. After Paul had shown us around we kitted up and then got our suits on – although this took longer than planned. I came out of the changing rooms wearing a suit far too big for me and Dad came out wearing one far too small, so you can probably guess what happened. We then got our kit on, it was a boiling hot morning and I nearly passed out doing the buddy check. It was such a relief to stride entry into the water. Visibility was amazing (8 – 10 meters). 

We made a descent down to the training platform and then did our CBL’s from 6 meters and I towed my lazy father for 25 meters and then he returned the favour. After this we did a depth progression to 16 meters where it got colder. We then monitored each other and thoroughly enjoyed the dive seeing a lot of shoals of Perch. We then did a vertical ascent with a 6 meter stop and made sure our buoyancy was under control, then made an ascent to the surface. When we got to the shore we did a buddy weight jettison and exited the water. We got our tanks re-filled and then achieved a bacon bap and tea off Paul and debriefed. 

An hour and a half later we did our second dive where we planned the dive before-hand. We achieved our maximum of 20 meters, or urrrrm was it 21.5? 🙂  We did a shot line descent and went through the tunnel which was pitch black but fun. After this we ascended to look around the plane and had a look inside. 

Overall, I really enjoyed my day and was probably the my favourite dive out of all so far. The visibility and sunlight made everything 10 times better. What a great place!!

Thanks Paul, not just a day’s diving but a great day out!

Posted in Dive Diary 2014
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