9 September 2012 – Shirala & Scallop Beds

As has become the normal routine, tides permitting, we met at the boathouse. It opened at 0830 and we were all ready for our breakfast.

Steve was dive planning for this trip and the plan was for the Northcoates. We had our dive briefing over breakfast and the buddy pairs were decided as Steve, Alex and me, Paul and Simon and Stuart and Tim.

After breakfast we quickly had the boat in the water and within a short time approached the Northcoates. Only to find 2 other RIBs already there and a third fast approaching. Paul suggested the Shirala as the nearest alternative and we all agreed. When we got there the shot was dropped spot on the wreck and slack was just beginning.

The three went in first, Alex and I had our cameras and Steve was keeping an eye on us so we didn’t lose each other. Tim and Stuart followed just after and when we had returned to the RIB Paul and Simon went in.

The visibility was around 5m and the shot was spot on the wreck, which was laid out in front of us waiting to be photographed. There was plenty of life and interesting metal to examine and take photos of. We saw 2 cuttlefish, which happily posed for us both, numerous crabs waved a claw and the anemones and dead men’s fingers were in abundance.

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We decided to have a drift on the Scallop beds. The sea was still flat calm when we went in. There were three buddy pairs as Paul had decided not to dive. Steve and I went in first and had a gentle drift over a very pretty landscape and gathered 10 scallops for our tea. Tim and Stuart also gathered a few scallops for their teas.

By the time we returned to the boat the wind was getting up and the waves were developing white tops. We took a nice ride to the marina, bypassing the chip shop as there was a long queue. But once we had sorted the boat and ourselves we had a hot beverage and a piece of cake before heading for home.

Another satisfying days diving and scallops for tea! (JM)

Posted in Dive Diary 2012
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