25 May 2019 – HMS Sapper & Inner Mulberry

Report by Paul Clunas  Video by Steve Spurgin

Photos by George Mitchell

6 of the members dived the H.M.S. Sapper with Mulberry Divers yesterday and were absolutely gobsmacked. Vis was 12m and water temperature 16 degrees at 30m. Cracking wreck supposed to be always dark according to the dive guides but no need for a torch!

The Mixon Hole was scheduled for the afternoon but the weather gods contrived against us and ended up doing the inner Mulberry, although shallow (7m!) was interesting as an intact concrete structure that you can swim around in. Lots of life then drifted off towards Selsey.

We were scheduled to dive on Sunday but skipper took the decision to cancel due to the weather.

So the bloom seems to have cleared from our home patch.


Posted in Dive Diary 2019
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