12 July 2020 – Shirala & Mulberries

Report by Bryan Stone

Maybe the idea of meeting at 7:15 put people off, but eventually Julian had managed to pull together myself, Paul and Steve A. Calm seas meant a swift arrival at the Shirala, and after the normal ‘discussion’ the shot was successfully deployed.

Myself and Paul dropped down to find the shot right by the boiler. Viz was probably a great 10m, and the wreck was teeming with life. We swam to the bow via the swim through on the starboard side, then headed back towards the stern. Not being brave enough to chance heading across the gap to find the remains of the wreck, we turned back and headed back across the wreck. SMB safely deployed, we ascended to the surface with a couple of minutes of deco, and the completion of a very pleasant dive.

We then headed to the mulberries, where Steve undertook his first UK dive. Apparently UK drysuit diving isn’t quite as easy as red sea diving, but after a bit of faffing Steve had a good dive, enjoying the ‘warm’ water, life and great viz

Posted in Dive diary 2020
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