2016 brings a number of major changes for BUDC. On 15th December 2015 we met for the last time at Banstead Leisure Centre. We had found that the pool in the new leisure centre, which we moved to in October, was, as feared, inadequate for training due to the shallow depth. We had looked at various alternatives and at the AGM in November it was agreed that from January 2016 we would move to the pool at Cheam. Unfortunately this pool is not available on Tuesday evenings so as from January we will be meeting on Monday evenings from 9:00 – 10:00 pm for pool training. The location is shown on the Contact page.
As there are a number of members who are unable to make this change, we have decided to add a Tuesday social evening on the last Tuesday of each month. This will be held at Banstead Athletic Football Club from 8:30 – 10:30 pm and we are hoping to arrange talks, discussions and information updates as well as getting together to plan and chat about diving.
We also now have a calendar to show these dates. Other related events can be included so if members are attending events or courses just let webmaster know details and these can be added.