April 2013 – Successful Lottery Grant

Safe Scuba Diving for all Generations
Lottery grant photo croppedNational Lottery and Sport England - Portrait (CMYK)


The club is approached regularly by Scouts, Guides, schools and other youth organisations as well as many interested adults about experiencing diving.  But until recently the club has had limited equipment to offer the opportunity of Try Dives to those interested and at the same time bring on new members to achieve initially Ocean Diver status. We know scuba diving is not a cheap sport and the club wants to help especially youngsters and parents to get on the road to becoming a trained diver.

So late last year we put forward a application to Sport England to provide funding for new diving kit to support both Try Dives and new trainees and in January the Club was successful in obtaining with the support of BSAC’s regional coach Graham Pettit the sum of £8,476 to purchase that new equipment including a Defibrillator and Oxygen Equipment to improve annual first aid training at a low cost and ensure safer diving when out on the Club rib. Another item was a portable air compressor to ensure with the lack of dive shops locally that air fills will always be available for club cylinders and pool training.

Hopefully we can now attract those new members across the age ranges and ensure safe diving skills are at the highest level within the club.

Some of the kit purchased to enable more Try Dives

See also our report of the defibrillator training in 2014





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