18 December 2017 – Stoney Cove

Report by Mark Swan –  Photos by Steve Burgess

Arrived for opening. First dive, on Steve’s  fisherman’s advice, we headed right, near the edge towards the first part of lake to get the sunlight. A couple of pike around 8m but a bit further along at 15m a group of 6 large pike grouped near lake’s rocky edge. All seemed quite happy to pose for Steve.

Max depth 20m, Time 50 mins, Water temp 7 degrees C, Viz 6m 

 Steve’s pike passion was in full gear now, so we decided to re-trace our route for the second dive. Sure enough they were still there. After more snaps, we headed back towards the quayside near Nemo’s bar. Could hear carols underwater and found the traditional sub aqua Christmas tree, flashing lights and all..

Max depth 20m, Time 50 mins, Water temp 7 degrees C, Viz 6m

Posted in Dive Diary 2017
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