07 January 2022 – Stoney Cove

Report by Paul Clunas

First club outing of 2022, only Steve Burgess and Paul Clunas despite offering the opportunity out to the membership, left Reigate at 05.45 and arrived at the gate at 08.00, air temperature was 1 degree and mostly sunny on arrival but ice on the puddles!

We anticipated cold conditions so ensured our kit was kept in warm and dry conditions 24 hours in advance of the dives, the reported (and actual) water temperature was 7 degrees therefore to avoid potential free flows we agreed a depth limit of 20m

Two dives of 45 minutes and 35 minutes respectively with an hour surface interval, vis was 10-12m, few large pike in the weed to the left of the entry point.

Although only 25 days since last dive (Scuba Santas!) it was nice to get back in water and pleased that all equipment functioned properly.

We did pop in the shop and were pleased to see prices were very competitive so if you are up there it is worth taking your dive kit shopping list.

Posted in Dive Diary 2022
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